Wednesday, December 28, 2011

8 months old!

Look who finally figured out how to smile in pictures! 

Length: 29"-ish; greater than the 95th percentile-ish
Weight: 16 pounds-ish; 15-20th percentile-ish

Yeah...she got a new car seat for Christmas, since the infant seat we have has a max height of 29 inches.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

My Sick-Day Project: Snap Conversions on Cloth Diapers

As you know, we cloth diaper. We are using the same diapers (with some additions) for L as we did with J, and some of them have aplix that is, at this point, beyond useless. Last week I picked up snaps and a snap press from Joann Fabrics (which now has a cloth diaper section, SQUEE!!). While I'm home sick from work, I might as well take care of those diapers! I'm using Fred's tutorial, found here. She is a clever one!