Thursday, January 15, 2009

I think I'm in love...

but it makes me kinda nervous to say so...

Don't tell C, but I have a little bitty crush on Scott Sigler. Not that I've become a "junkie" exactly. (The first step to a cure is admitting you have a problem, and I don't have a problem. Really.) I am certainly not a complete nut over him, but his books are soo effing addictive. They also make me swear a lot if I listen to them in a long stretch. He just writes the kind of horror that makes your guts ball up and at the same time leaves you unable to tear your ears away (they're all available as free audiobooks). The most deliciously fucked up kind of horror. If Nocturnal were a movie, I would have spent a large chunk of it with my hands over my eyes, but you really can't do that with an audiobook. Well you can, but you will look stupid and it really won't do you any good. Anyway, if you are interested there's a link to his blog in my blogs list.

I am taking a small break before I go back and listen to his other books, starting with the first, since it's really not appropriate for me to drop the f bomb at work with the frequency induced by Sigler's writing. Especially when I am calling the printer a mother fucker on a regular basis. Remember, no telling C!

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