Saturday, April 30, 2011
With kids like these, it's easy to pretend I'm a photographer!
J and Dee decided to be my subjects tonight. Well, Dee didn't really have any say, though she required her pacifier. Since it's pretty hard to photograph your baby while she's eating, I went with it. Happy plus paci is better than mad without one.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Baby Dee's Birth Story
Baby girl made her arrival last night (4/27) at 7:44pm. 6 pounds, 7 ounces and 19 3/4" of perfection, with crazy long fingers and a sweet little face.
Quick summary:
Labor started at 7:45ish am on 4/27. Arrived at hospital at 4:45pm, upstairs at L & D at 5. At 7:34 my water broke, and at 7:44 after 3 pushes, Dee was born! I did not have any pain medication or an epidural, and I would not have done it any other way. It made for the most intense half hour of my life, but it was SO worth it.
If you don't want to read the long and graphic version, stop now.
No, really, stop now, unless you want to read about my cervix and mucus and stuff.
Ok, here goes!
I had been just generally uncomfortable on Tuesday 4/26, all day, and my low back had been aching all night. My first contractions that were clearly labor contractions started at about 7:45am on 4/27. We just did our normal thing for a Wednesday, since I was on maternity leave already, so basically C and J went to teach a music class for a local daycare (well, C went to teach, J went to have fun). They came home just about 11, and we went to the library. At that point my contractions were about 7 minutes apart, and while painful/intense didn't really require a whole lot of concentration to get through. While getting dressed right before going to the library I noticed some bloody show, but didn't really think much of it. After the library, we had lunch and watched a movie, and my contractions were closer to 5-6 minutes apart and getting stronger. I took a shower and managed to more or less shave my legs (really, really impressive at pretty much 40 weeks pregnant and in labor...) Each time I went to the bathroom there was an insane amount of mucus, so I knew that my contractions were making me dilate and really lose my plug, as opposed to the past few days where I'd had some mucus but not a lot.
I called my midwives at 3, then called my mom to come get J. We got to the hospital to check in at about 4:30, but didn't actually get checked in until 4:45 because nobody was at the desk We got up to our Labor and Delivery room at 5:00. The nurse we had (for about 5 minutes, due to shift change) was awesome and had observed me through couple of contractions during the checkin, and said I was doing beautifully. At that point, I was really just making an effort to breathe and relax through the pressure waves, though some were harder to get through than others.
Once up in L&D I had to be on the monitor for 20 minutes. My midwife checked me and I was 4cm, 70%, and -2 station. The waves were still something I could just breathe and relax through, though once I was off the monitor I wanted to be in the bathtub. The nurse told me she'd come back and check on me (as would my midwife) in about an hour and a half, then monitor me some more. This was at about 5:30. By 6:00, in the bath, I was having to vocalize through the waves, and found open sounds like "aaaaaaah" to help the most. About this time I asked C to get me a snack, so I had a granola bar. It was nice, and I was sipping water the whole time as well. Yet another perk to not having an epidural this time...
By about 6:40 I wanted to get out of the tub, and onto the birthing ball. That was heaven. I had noticed some more bloody show when I used the toilet and when I was in the bath, and things were really intensifying. I was starting to shake and having a harder time relaxing, but still able to relax between contractions (this was in the bathtub, still). I noticed my waves were much closer together, but I don't know how close as I wasn't looking at a clock. After a few minutes on the ball, I threw up. I made it through a few more waves and started feeling pushy, and decided that it was time to be checked. I paged the nurse, and everyone came in. I was telling C at this point that I didn't want to do this anymore, and that I couldn't do it.
My midwife checked me, and I was 6cm, 100% effaced, bulging waters, and L was at 0 and definitely in transition. This was at about 7:00/7:15. They put me on the monitor, and gave me oxygen because they noticed that Dee was having some late decels with contractions.They tried to get my IV locks started (2, in case I needed blood quickly, given my history of postpartum hemorrhage) and ended up having to have Anesthesia come do it, because the nurse couldn't get a stick and blew out veins in both hands (very weird, I usually have awesome veins). The anesthesia person came and got my left one done quickly. Contractions were very intense, and very hard to breathe through, and I really think my vocalizations were probably pretty loud at that point. I was desperately trying to breathe with my midwife (also awesome) through the urge to push but it was difficult to say the least. I remember saying again that I didn't want to do it anymore, that I couldn't, etc. At 7:34 my water broke, and there was some meconium present. I could no longer control my body's urge to push, and the anesthesiologist had just gotten my IV finished on my right hand when I started pushing. I was laying on my left side. Within a few minutes, I was complete and pushing with my urges. I felt like I was about to have a bowel movement (I didn't) and then I felt the "ring of fire," which really wasn't that bad compared the the contractions at that point. My midwife looked down and said "hey, we're having a baby" and everyone sort of paused, not expecting that to be so soon. One more push and Dee's head was out, and another after that and the rest of her came slithering out. She was born at 7:44pm, after 12 total hours of labor and the most intense 30 minutes of my life,. No tears, no stitches, nothing! I feel amazing and am very proud of myself.
Oh, and the reason for Dee's decels was that she was all wrapped up in the cord. I did get her on my chest immediately, and she pooped again. Her APGAR scores were 8 and 9.
Quick summary:
Labor started at 7:45ish am on 4/27. Arrived at hospital at 4:45pm, upstairs at L & D at 5. At 7:34 my water broke, and at 7:44 after 3 pushes, Dee was born! I did not have any pain medication or an epidural, and I would not have done it any other way. It made for the most intense half hour of my life, but it was SO worth it.
If you don't want to read the long and graphic version, stop now.
No, really, stop now, unless you want to read about my cervix and mucus and stuff.
Ok, here goes!
I had been just generally uncomfortable on Tuesday 4/26, all day, and my low back had been aching all night. My first contractions that were clearly labor contractions started at about 7:45am on 4/27. We just did our normal thing for a Wednesday, since I was on maternity leave already, so basically C and J went to teach a music class for a local daycare (well, C went to teach, J went to have fun). They came home just about 11, and we went to the library. At that point my contractions were about 7 minutes apart, and while painful/intense didn't really require a whole lot of concentration to get through. While getting dressed right before going to the library I noticed some bloody show, but didn't really think much of it. After the library, we had lunch and watched a movie, and my contractions were closer to 5-6 minutes apart and getting stronger. I took a shower and managed to more or less shave my legs (really, really impressive at pretty much 40 weeks pregnant and in labor...) Each time I went to the bathroom there was an insane amount of mucus, so I knew that my contractions were making me dilate and really lose my plug, as opposed to the past few days where I'd had some mucus but not a lot.
I called my midwives at 3, then called my mom to come get J. We got to the hospital to check in at about 4:30, but didn't actually get checked in until 4:45 because nobody was at the desk We got up to our Labor and Delivery room at 5:00. The nurse we had (for about 5 minutes, due to shift change) was awesome and had observed me through couple of contractions during the checkin, and said I was doing beautifully. At that point, I was really just making an effort to breathe and relax through the pressure waves, though some were harder to get through than others.
Once up in L&D I had to be on the monitor for 20 minutes. My midwife checked me and I was 4cm, 70%, and -2 station. The waves were still something I could just breathe and relax through, though once I was off the monitor I wanted to be in the bathtub. The nurse told me she'd come back and check on me (as would my midwife) in about an hour and a half, then monitor me some more. This was at about 5:30. By 6:00, in the bath, I was having to vocalize through the waves, and found open sounds like "aaaaaaah" to help the most. About this time I asked C to get me a snack, so I had a granola bar. It was nice, and I was sipping water the whole time as well. Yet another perk to not having an epidural this time...
By about 6:40 I wanted to get out of the tub, and onto the birthing ball. That was heaven. I had noticed some more bloody show when I used the toilet and when I was in the bath, and things were really intensifying. I was starting to shake and having a harder time relaxing, but still able to relax between contractions (this was in the bathtub, still). I noticed my waves were much closer together, but I don't know how close as I wasn't looking at a clock. After a few minutes on the ball, I threw up. I made it through a few more waves and started feeling pushy, and decided that it was time to be checked. I paged the nurse, and everyone came in. I was telling C at this point that I didn't want to do this anymore, and that I couldn't do it.
My midwife checked me, and I was 6cm, 100% effaced, bulging waters, and L was at 0 and definitely in transition. This was at about 7:00/7:15. They put me on the monitor, and gave me oxygen because they noticed that Dee was having some late decels with contractions.They tried to get my IV locks started (2, in case I needed blood quickly, given my history of postpartum hemorrhage) and ended up having to have Anesthesia come do it, because the nurse couldn't get a stick and blew out veins in both hands (very weird, I usually have awesome veins). The anesthesia person came and got my left one done quickly. Contractions were very intense, and very hard to breathe through, and I really think my vocalizations were probably pretty loud at that point. I was desperately trying to breathe with my midwife (also awesome) through the urge to push but it was difficult to say the least. I remember saying again that I didn't want to do it anymore, that I couldn't, etc. At 7:34 my water broke, and there was some meconium present. I could no longer control my body's urge to push, and the anesthesiologist had just gotten my IV finished on my right hand when I started pushing. I was laying on my left side. Within a few minutes, I was complete and pushing with my urges. I felt like I was about to have a bowel movement (I didn't) and then I felt the "ring of fire," which really wasn't that bad compared the the contractions at that point. My midwife looked down and said "hey, we're having a baby" and everyone sort of paused, not expecting that to be so soon. One more push and Dee's head was out, and another after that and the rest of her came slithering out. She was born at 7:44pm, after 12 total hours of labor and the most intense 30 minutes of my life,. No tears, no stitches, nothing! I feel amazing and am very proud of myself.
Oh, and the reason for Dee's decels was that she was all wrapped up in the cord. I did get her on my chest immediately, and she pooped again. Her APGAR scores were 8 and 9.
Monday, April 25, 2011
39 Weeks
How Far along: 39 weeks, 4 days
Baby size: About 7 1/2-8 pounds, assuming she's gained an ounce a day since our 36 week u/s which said she was 6lb 1oz at that time
Total weight gain: 19 pounds still.
Maternity clothes: Yep.
Sleep: I'd still sleep better with a newborn at this point. I am glad I'm on maternity leave now, I can actually take long naps every day, because dammit, I need them.
Best Moment this week: Easter was lots of fun with C's family. J enjoyed himself, as did C and I.
Movement: Yep, still moving, still painful, still wiggly.
Gender: GIRL!
Labor signs: False alarm last Thursday/Friday...I thought I had a slow fluid leak, and paired with painful, intensifying contractions that were getting closer together I thought it was the real deal. Apparently I was wrong on all counts. Otherwise I'm still having contractions but they're not really getting terribly intense yet. I keep saying my Hypnobabies affirmation that my baby knows just when to arrive, and that my body instinctively knows how to give birth, but it's getting a little frustrating to still be pregnant.
Belly button: Still in but very small and shallow crater-like. It looks like a star.
Cravings: Chocolate.
What I miss: Everything. Not being a raging bitch because my hormones suck.
Stretch Marks: Yep, but still no more new ones.
What is different this time around: Pretty much everything.
What I am looking forward to this week: Every day is closer to the day I meet my daughter. I am enjoying being at home so far, hopefully I'll get some cleaning and stuff done in the next couple days.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Book Review: "Cutting For Stone" by Abraham Verghese
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Any review I leave would not do this book justice. All I can say is that it is powerfully written, deeply gripping, and not a book that will be forgotten.
View all my reviews
Monday, April 18, 2011
38 Weeks. Yep, still here.
How Far along: 38 weeks, 4 day. As of 5:45 tonight, I will be more pregnant than I've ever been.
Baby size: About 7 pounds
Total weight gain: 19 pounds. Maybe that's a good sign, my MW told me she usually sees a plateau or a pound or two of loss the week before labor starts.
Maternity clothes: Yep.
Sleep: I'd sleep better with a newborn at this point.
Best Moment this week: Um...yeah. I guess my nap on Saturday might count. I have not been in a very good mood the last few days.
Movement: Yep, still moving, still painful, still wiggly.
Gender: GIRL!
Labor signs: Thursdays suck ass. Every Thursday for the last 3 weeks I've had real contractions that either wake me up or start in the morning after I'm up, then increase in frequency and intensity throughout the day, keep me up that night, then come Friday? NOTHING. I just want this kid to be as done as I am. Doesn't she know there is boob juice out here?
Belly button: Still in but very small and shallow crater-like. Also, J thinks he can see his sister through it. He occasionally tries to pull her out through it. This doesn't work.
Cravings: Chocolate.
What I miss: Everything. Not being a raging bitch because my hormones suck.
Stretch Marks: Yep, but still no more new ones.
What is different this time around: Pretty much everything.
What I am looking forward to this week: Every day is closer to the day I meet my daughter. J came at 38 weeks 4 days, so maybe today is my day. Also this is my last week of work! Yay!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Oh for the love of Pete...
One of the message boards I frequent had a post about vaccines. The woman posting seems to know what she's doing and asked for reasonable advice, and is just doing her research about vaccinating her preemies. Anyway, I responded that she should read Paul Offit's book Deadly Choices (I posted the review here). Someone else responded with a "I went to a seminar by the author of Vaccine Epidemic and I haven't read the book, though. I learned some really interesting stuff and I might ask my pediatrician about some of it and follow their advice." Really? REALLY?! First of all, Offit is a DOCTOR, an MD, who knows the medical science behind vaccines and the diseases they prevent. Neither of the editors of Vaccine Epidemic has any scientific background (from what I can glean from their author bios); one has an MA and one is a lawyer. They are both human rights specialists. One would think that if they truly cared about humanity/human rights, they wouldn't spread such tripe and would instead try to help people understand why vaccines and modern medicine can HELP people have a better quality of life, rather than such bullshit. And no, I haven't read the book. I may read it just so I can better understand what the fuck these people have to say about something that saves lives. It just seems, from an outside view, that it is unconscionable for human rights activists to basically say that vaccines are scary and the companies that make them just want to get money for them. Dammit. Now I have to read their fucking book. Oh, and a bonus? The description basically says that their entire book is ANECDOTAL evidence. Not scientific evidence. Coincidence and even subsequence does not equal causality, dumbass editors.
Dear god. This is one of those moments when my faith in humanity slips a little bit. If you're going to write a book about why companies that make vaccines are evil, at least enlist someone credible with some science background. Oh wait, nobody fitting that description would be involved with such an endeavor. Gah.
Dear god. This is one of those moments when my faith in humanity slips a little bit. If you're going to write a book about why companies that make vaccines are evil, at least enlist someone credible with some science background. Oh wait, nobody fitting that description would be involved with such an endeavor. Gah.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Book Review: "The Lover's Dictionary" by David Levithan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This was a very, very fast read. I read the whole thing over my lunch break. The story is piecemeal, and sweetly but poignantly done. I really enjoyed the style and setup, it reminded me of a short story I recently listened to called "Annabell's Alphabet" where each letter had a short bit of the story with it. This was overall a very enjoyable read.
View all my reviews
Also, this brings me to 22 of 75 books read for the year. Woot.
Monday, April 11, 2011
37 Weeks
![]() |
Once again with the weird line... |
How Far along: 37 weeks, 4 days
Baby size: About 7 pounds, maybe 6lb 13 oz (still assuming she's gaining an ounce a day)
Total weight gain: 20 pounds
Maternity clothes: Yep.
Sleep: I'd sleep better with a newborn at this point.
Best Moment this week: Um...being full term? Ooh, and I got to take a nap both days this weekend! Yeah, my standards have gone down.Though J helped me (well, helped in the way that only a 3 year old can) start seeds for our garden, so that was pretty fun.
Movement: Yeah, although she's definitely run out of room so her movements are either uncomfortable or painful most of the time.
Gender: GIRL!
Labor signs: Getting more contractions, but no real change in intensity. They average about 10-12 minutes apart on days I have them, and some days I only have two or three an hour.Oh, and L dropped *again* (which I didn't know was possible) last Thursday. Ouch. So now she basically feels like shes working on falling out.
Belly button: Still in but very small and shallow crater-like.
Cravings: Chocolate, meat, and orange juice.
What I miss: Not being pregnant? And being able to have sex comfortably/enjoyably.
Stretch Marks: Yep, but no new ones lately. Thank goodness.
What is different this time around: Pretty much everything.
What I am looking forward to this week: Every day is closer to the day I meet my daughter. J came at 38 weeks 4 days, so hopefully sometime in the next week L will show up.
Monday, April 4, 2011
36 weeks! Almost there...
How Far along: 36 weeks, 4 days
Baby size: About 6 pounds, according to our u/s last Thursday, which said she was 6lb 1 oz. So maybe 6lb 5 oz.
Total weight gain: 19 or 20 pounds, depending on the day.
Maternity clothes: Yep.
Sleep: I miss good, sound, painless sleep. I am always sleepy at this point, due to not sleeping well and having to get up at least once a night to pee and for heartburn. Also, contractions now wake me/keep me awake. Fun times.
Best Moment this week: Date weekend! J was at C's parents house for the weekend, so it was just C and I. It was really nice, though I did miss J. C and I got a free lunch at the Melting Pot on Saturday which was awesome (aside from tax/tip, of course).
Movement: Yeah, although she's definitely run out of room so her movements are either uncomfortable or painful most of the time.
Gender: GIRL!
Labor signs: Still lots of BH contractions, about 80% are mildly painful (a 1 on a scale of 1-10). They don't seem to be getting more frequent yet though. Plus L is super low...the u/s tech had to actually move her head to even see how far the placenta was from the cervix last week because her head is mashed up against my cervix.
Belly button: Still in but very small.
Cravings: Nothing particularly new.
What I miss: Same as always: bending over, not waddling from my sciatica and the baby having dropped. Being able to bend down and stretch my back out. Sleep. Not having to have a pillow between my knees at night. Being able to sit "like a lady" with my legs together. Being able to hold J and snuggle him close on my lap instead of on top of my belly.
Stretch Marks: Yep, although they *knock on wood* seem to be done reproducing.
What is different this time around: Pretty much everything.
What I am looking forward to this week: Full term on Thursday!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
What a Day!!
J is at the in-law's house for the weekend, so C and I are enjoying some couple time and the gorgeous weather we had today. My favorite consignment store was having a monster sale today, and since I didn't get many newborn sized clothes from my older sister (and who knows when I'll actually get them from her...) I figured it was a good idea to get some from the store. The sale was that everything 0-9 months was $1 (including 2 piece or 3 piece outfits/sets)! In all, I came home with 12 onesies, 4 more onesies that were part of outfits/came with pants, some overalls, a darling little green dressy jumper, a sweet 4th of July outfit, a very cute one-piece outfit (kind of onesie-like) and a jacket to match one of the outfits I got. My total? $14 for the lot. My receipt says I saved $39!!! Here's my loot, just because I am so proud of it.
After the shopping, C and I went to Historic Downtown Littleton and browsed the shops a bit, and had lunch at The Melting Pot (for which we had a certificate for a free lunch). After our fantastic lunch (fondue=YUM= Happy pregnant Tena!) we went to a local nursery/garden center and picked up things that I need for starting my garden. I even got to lay down (didn't fall asleep, but that's okay) when we got home and C was grilling dinner.
All in all, I'd say that today was just about perfect!
After the shopping, C and I went to Historic Downtown Littleton and browsed the shops a bit, and had lunch at The Melting Pot (for which we had a certificate for a free lunch). After our fantastic lunch (fondue=YUM= Happy pregnant Tena!) we went to a local nursery/garden center and picked up things that I need for starting my garden. I even got to lay down (didn't fall asleep, but that's okay) when we got home and C was grilling dinner.
All in all, I'd say that today was just about perfect!
Friday, April 1, 2011
We had our 36 week follow up on my low-lying placenta yesterday. It moved up a lot, now is 4.42 cm from the cervix! Yay for not having to schedule a C-section! Baby girl is way low, the tech had to push her head out of the way (a lot) to even get the measurement she needed because apparently my cervix makes a nice pillow. That and my bladder. L is measuring right about 6 pounds. I think we may have caught her right after a growth spurt last time since she's no longer measuring a week ahead, just right on. No pictures, but it was still neat to see her all curled up in there.
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