Thursday, October 25, 2018

The Fitness Diaries, Resumed

In June 2016, I was at my highest weight (when not pregnant) ever. I weighed 150 pounds. For reference, I'm 5'2" with shoes on, and this put my BMI at 27.4 (firmly overweight). I felt awful, had no energy, and didn't want to continue gaining weight. My IBS was rampant and I just felt helpless. That was how my life was. I felt like I had to try something. So I started counting calories and doing what had "worked" before. What I had done in 2013, and 2014, and then got pregnant and stopped doing.

In one year, I had lost 6 pounds. SIX. And I still had no energy, terrible IBS (like, as in I had no idea what foods would trigger sudden bouts of diarrhea, I was taking immodium several times a week). My skin was a mess and I was battling breakouts.

I started my Arbonne business in May 2017, and didn't really think about the nutrition side until about June. I started doing hormonally balanced protein shakes for breakfast (instead of cereal) and taking Digestion Plus. I did some research and cut out dairy, and suddenly not only was my skin clearer for the first time in YEARS, but I actually only needed immodium once every week or so. With those small changes, and some occasional exercise, I lost 3 pounds in just over 2 months. Not a lot, I know, but that's HALF of what I'd lost in the entire preceding year.

October 2017

In October of 2017, I bit the bullet and actually did the entire Arbonne 30 days to Healthy Living. I cut (in addition to the dairy that I'd already cut out) gluten, soy, corn, sugar, alcohol, and coffee. I stayed 100% committed. And that month, I lost two pounds. Slowly, but more rapidly than I'd been losing weight before. Most importantly, this actually helped me discover that gluten is a trigger for my IBS (and I did have blood tests done to rule out Celiac, given family history).

January 2018
I have continued to be gluten and dairy free in my diet, and have done the 30 days to Healthy Living several more times over the last year. I also added more regular exercise, specifically with Beach Body (I have a couple good friends who are coaches, and I love the variety of available workouts), and also working to close my diastasis recti (which will be its own post).

February 2018

As of today, October 25, 2018, I have lost 25 pounds since I began this journey. In the last year, I have lost 15 of those pounds. My stomach is no longer bloated, and I can actually feel good and not squished in my clothing. I feel healthy and amazing. (picture to come, I just need to actually take one, haha).

I'm mentally getting back to the point where I can start blogging again. I will probably discuss some of the reasons for my long hiatus at some point, but I don't know what the future holds.