Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Wednesday Weigh-in, Week...6

Yesterday when I weighed myself I was down again, to 143.6, which was 0.8 pounds below last week. However, my awesome husband made sausage yesterday (totally not a euphemism, I promise) so naturally, we had that for dinner, and the salt content put me back up to where I was last week. It was SO tasty though. ANYWAY. Stupid being so sensitive to salt/retaining water. . I'm going to count yesterday as my "official" weight, though. So that puts me at 5.2 pounds lost. I thought it would be more by now, but there it is. Total lost is 3.5%. But I've been kicking ass at getting my running/walking in, and I can now run almost a mile out of my 1.5 mile run with my dog(s). In the past week I've gotten in 11.3 miles, which is great. The dogs love it. Well, Athena loves it. MacGuyver makes his "fuck you" face when I make him run with me, even though he needs it at least as badly as I do. My shins have been sore (will these shin splints never heal completely?!) since my recent runs though, so I'm going to work on strengthening them a bit before I push too much more running.

MacGuyver's "fuck you" face

I know I'm losing weight, I know I'm losing fat (the more important thing). My clothes fit better, I feel better and more energetic. (I tried on a pair of jeans I got for really cheap at Target but hadn't tried on when I bought them, then couldn't button them when I got home, but they FIT!! I have a serious muffin top so I won't wear them yet, but I could easily button them and they were comfortable!!) Also, my skin is clearer! Yay!! Unless I binge on sugar, in which case I can expect a breakout in the next couple days. Bleh. 

I really, really, really need to stop slacking on weekends. I have got to keep tracking on Saturday and Sunday, because every time I don't I come off the weekend with a gain of a pound or two. I can usually lose it again by Wednesday but it's frustrating and probably not healthy to keep doing this.

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