Thursday, January 19, 2012

Alright...I did it.

I rejoined SparkPeople. My membership hadn't gone anywhere, I just hadn't been using it. Turns out that I am *not* 4 pounds below my pre-pregnancy weight. I evidently gained a couple pounds over the holidays, and am back at 140. I guess something must have been stuck under my scale or something the other day.

So I am back to tracking my meals, snacks, etc on SparkPeople. I don't really like Babyfit (their pregnancy/breastfeeding fitness site), so I just added 400 calories to my daily intake goal (so it's now 1650-1950, rather than 1250-1550 calories per day). I am hoping that just keeping myself accountable will help me lose this weight without impacting my milk supply (which *thankfully* has been great, and I've even built up a small freezer stash again! Okay, really small, it's like 20 ounces, but still! Progress!) and help me make better choices. I know that this system requires me to be honest with myself, and I can do that. I've done it before. So far (in 2 1/2 days) I've lost about 3 ounces. Yeah...140.4 pounds to 140.2. I guess I'm getting there, right? And that works out to about a pound a week, which is good.

Here's the breakdown so far:

Starting weight (4/27/2011): 161 (at 39w6d pregnant)

6/27/11: Return to work, weight 142

8/17ish: Weight 140! Reward: new nail polish

9/6/11: Weight 138. Woot!

10/19/11: Still 138. Wohoo!

1/19/12: 140. D'oh.

135 pounds (BMI 24.7): NEW SHOES!
130 pounds (BMI 23.8): Jewelery! (Like a new necklace and earrings)
125 pounds (BMI 22.9): Haircut! Maybe go all short and sassy again. Also, mani and pedi :-)
Ultimate goal: 120 (BMI 21.9, where I was when C and I got married)! Reward: $100 in new clothes (consignment or new, doesn't matter)

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