Wednesday, November 28, 2012

November 28, 2012 - A Clouded Skyline

Days are getting shorter.

So is my temper.

So is my patience.

I hate it.

I feel uncomfortable in my skin. I feel like my meds are worthless, even though I've been sure to take them every day. I feel exhausted and melancholy. Is it because 2 years of interrupted sleep are wearing me down or is it my dear old monster come back to haunt?

I'm in a study, using mindfulness methods to help curb depression. Go figure that I'd start downward just as soon as I enroll. My first session is tonight. We'll see how it goes.

I feel like I never finish anything. There aren't enough hours in the day. I went through 3 different cardigans today before I finally picked one.

I hope I didn't curse my children with this.

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