appreciating My two beautiful, healthy children.
listening to Pseudopod, episode 369.
tasting Big Red gum. A change from my usual mint that isn't peppermint.
learning to slow down and breathe and live in the moment, because life chances in a heartbeat.
noticing the sunshine outside, and the dull throb in the finger I jammed this weekend.
anticipating the arrival of our new range on Wednesday, an evening hosting a friend for dinner, my birthday next week
working at chipping away at the mountain of data in front of me.
making the best of what I have.
watching C play Brutal Legend (because it is the awesomest game EVAR and it's like watching an interactive movie).
accepting that I have no control over most things in the world, and that my daughter will probably continue to request her morning snuggles in my bed for a while yet.
organizing our basement and finances so we can send Dee to preschool in the fall.
planning updates to our house so we can sell it and buy a bigger house with a yard in a year and a half or so.
loving my family, even when they make me completely crazy.
buying only what we need. It's a re-training thing. I used to be really good at it.
finishing my second cup of coffee (well, I will be soon, anyway).
embracing the shape of my body.
daring to speak my mind.
I got the idea for this listy post from Beth Anne. If you haven't read her blog, you should. It's the comfort of a chat with dear old friend at it's finest, but in a blog.
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