Saturday, June 13, 2009

Visit to the Aquarium

J loves fish. "Fish" was one of his first words. The aquarium was a big hit. He kept trying to climb through the glass and run ahead to see more fish. Glad I had the leash backpack! Yeah, I once said I would never leash my child, but my niece and nephews have these great puppy and monkey backpack leashes, and they really love the backpacks. In fact, they argue over whose "tail" I get to hold. So when my mom offered, I wasn't going to turn it down. I am going to eventually turn J's penguin backpack into one, too, but in the meantime, the puppy works fine.

1 comment:

Caeseria said...

Oh, leashes and harnesses are great! I know people who liken them to leashing an animal and are horrified that anyone would use them, but when the option is carrying someone who weighs thirty pounds, does not wish to be carried, and furthermore has no fear of strangers, what other responsible (and sanity-preserving) option is there?
Those backpacks are cute! Mine's just a harness!