Thursday, March 3, 2011

Updates on L

We had our 32 week (!!) followup ultrasound today. Our girl is healthy and wiggly and head down, and kept her hand in front of her face the entire time. She's measuring a week ahead size-wise, and weighs about 4 1/2 pounds. She's supposed to gain about a half pound a week from here on out, so depending on when she shows up she'll likely weigh between 6 and 8 pounds. We do have to go back in 4 weeks for another followup to check whether my placenta has moved up any further (as of today, it's moved an entire half a centimeter in 12 weeks, and is still considered "low lying.") Anyway, we did get some cute pictures (these are the best 2) and J was very excited to see pictures of his sister. He's been talking about it all week.
Don't worry, she doesn't have a strange growth on her face. It's the ultrasound distorting her arm.

Here she is with her arm, again covering up her little face!

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