Monday, March 23, 2009

The Fitness Diaries

March 22:

Mom sent me some photos of J and I on the trampoline at her house, and holy hell do I look bad. Really bad angle be damned, I look chubby. I realize that I have been pigging out way too much, having gotten used to eating whatever I wanted when J nursed full time, and have probably gotten back up to 135, which is where I was when I got pregnant with J. This gives me a BMI of 24.7, just barely under the "overweight" category.

BMI Categories:

Ideally, before I get pregnant with #2, I will be more solidly in the normal weight category, about a BMI of 21 or 22. That would mean I need to lose about 15 pounds. Ok. I need to formulate an exercise plan. (On a side note, I chronically misspell exercise as excercise. If you read my other blog, you may have noticed this.)

C and I talked this over, and decided we both needed to start eating healthier and exercising more. I did a bunch of crunches, then we went to sleep.

March 23:

I can't find my printouts of all the exercises I used to do in preparation for our wedding. I had gotten them all from the Knot, which was great. I had high hopes of being healthy today right off the bat, and I think I get a big fat black star for my effort. Or whatever the opposite of a gold star would be. I am going to chronicle my exercise program (or lack thereof) and keep a food journal on here. I am going to be brutally honest. Eep. Here goes.

Meals today:
Breakfast: Oatmeal made with 2% milk with about 2 teaspoons of brown sugar, and a half a glass of OJ.

1 cup of Costco Chai at work, which finished the can.

Lunch: Leftover hamburger (made with 85% lean beef, which really tastes funny to me since I'm so used to lean game meat) with lettuce on a homemade white bun, and a blood orange.

Snack: Coffee with skim milk plus a smidge of 1/2 and 1/2, and a chocolate chocolate chip cookie. Kid myself that the caffiene will burn off the extra calories from the cookie.

Dinner: Shepherd's Pie, made with 85% lean beef, onions, carrots, peas mixed with some salt, pepper, and bbq sauce, with sweet potato sliced on top. On top of the sweet potato is a thin smear of sour cream and some grated cheddar. Had one serving of about 1 cup. J really liked this, too.

After dinner: Nonspecific cravings, resisted until they morphed into a popcorn craving. Made a whole bowl of plain air-popped popcorn and ate the whole thing. Alongside a cup of Swiss Miss made with water and 2% milk.

Wow. I am not rocking this. *Sigh* I would have done so well without the snacks!

At least I found the Knot Shape Up articles, one for arms, and one for abs.

I am going to do my PM Yoga tonight, and try to do it every night, while alternating abs and arms workouts in the mornings. Hah. I am also going to try to take Athena for a run in the afternoon/evenings at least three times a week, though that will depend on C being home to watch J since we don't have a jogging stroller.

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