Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Fitness Diaries: A Poem and An Update

Update first, to keep y'all on your toes.
No more food journal, because, well, I'm lazy, I don't eat *that* bad, and it's not all that interesting. I am eating better/healthier stuff overall, and a small treat once in a while isn't the end of the world. I have the potential to become very obsessed with calorie counting, and I realized I was very close to getting there and no longer being able to just enjoy my food.

Now onto my poem:

Oh my new jogging stroller
Thanks CraigsList, what a deal
Only 15 dollars
Helping me to real-
ize my goal of running!

Putting a screaming
Wiggling toddler
Into this super cool device
Was certainly not made nice
By two pulley, wired dogs

To go on
We huffed uphill
The dogs saw some bunnies
And strained in for the kill
But were foiled - HAHA!

My lungs, they were burning
My back and my boobs, they were yearning
For the support that was truly lacking
In my cheapo sports bra
But the dogs kept on tracking

Til at last, home sweet home!
The last few yards, saddened I ain't!
Alas, some dumb asshole on his phone
"Walking" his dog, with no restraint
Yapping, and small, nearly upset my boy's carriage.

Mr. Asshole, buy a leash! However
The crisis was averted,
The small dog not massacre-ted,
And now we're all home
Warm and exerted.

The end.

That may very well be the worst poem I have ever written. But, it was fun.

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