Sunday, April 26, 2009

Of Tummy Bugs and Late Ovulation

It turns out I had a stomach bug of some kind. I threw up on the way home from my sister's shower. Fortunately my mom was driving, and I was able to ask her to pull over and we were actually in a place where pulling over was an option. I hate puking. At least puking from a bug makes you feel better afterward, unlike with morning sickness. When I woke up this morning I felt 100% better, which is good.

Also, my chart is all kinds of crazy. If I include the temperature from a few days ago that was 96.6, it says I ovulated a few days ago, but only based on my temperatures. However, that is also taking into account this morning's temperature of 98.2, which is insanely high. Those temperatures were both due to environment; the super low one was when I woke up with only the sheet and I was freezing, and this morning I had woken slightly a few times just before I took my temp (but not awake enough to realize I should take my temperature) and I had so many covers on that I was sweating. So basically it looks like I am ovulating later than I ever have before, since I am currently on CD29 (cycle day 29). I'm not really thinking that the cycle day is entirely accurate either, because until CD11 I still had the Implanon. If I don't count those 11 days as part of this cycle, then I am only on CD18, 10 days away from my latest-ever ovulation. Really it doesn't matter at all yet, since we aren't TTC baby #2 for a while.

Oh, and this morning was really lovely so I worked on my garden a bit. My tomatoes and pepper plants are still inside, but everything else is outside now. I planted my Lilies of the Valley, my strawberries, one mound of zucchini, wild spinach, and lettuce mix. I also replanted some herb seeds in my bird-bath planter (the bird bath leaked, so I turned it into an herb garden). I am apparently the only person with the magical ability to not grow herbs. They just don't thrive under my care. Hopefully these do a bit better than the ones I tried to plant in there a few weeks ago. My stepmom and I also took advantage of the nice weather and took the dogs and J on a really nice, long walk, so I am counting that as 30 minutes of exercise. Yay!

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