Thursday, April 16, 2009

Post 100!!

This is post number 100...I feel like it should be philosophical or something, but it isn't going to be. My scar stories post was really all the depth I feel like going into tonight.

It feels like I've come a pretty long way since I started this blog. I started it while trying to shrug off some creeping depression, and through an increase in my meds and the outlet that this blog has become, I think I've generally overcome it pretty well. I still have days where my headspace is anything but good, but overall I feel...normal. Happy. Fulfilled.

Well, look at that, I did wax philosophical somewhat.

Bonus random thought: last night= Bow Chicka Wowwow... And it was simply marvelous. I missed sex. A lot.

The Fitness Diaries
I took MacGuyver for a run in the rain this afternoon. It was much, much easier than trying to take both dogs at the same time. We made it about 20 minutes, I didn't feel nearly as much like dying, and stretching wasn't too bad. I plan to do the ab pyramid as well as some push ups before bed, probably before I take a bath. I have been having horrendous bloat the past few days, presumably my body figuring out what the hell is going on.

ETA: The ab pyramid failed to appeal, so instead I did 30 regular crunches. I did manage 10 girly push ups but that was as far as I got. *le sigh*

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