Monday, September 13, 2010

7 weeks!

At my appointment last week, my due date got moved up, both because my midwives go by LMP and because HP was measuring several days ahead. My new EDD is April 28. I am going to keep doing these updates on Mondays though, because I like consistency.

How Far along: 7 weeks, 4 days

Total weight gain: +0 pounds total from pre-pg, right back where I started.

Maternity clothes: Nope.

Sleep: Yes, please.

Best Moment this week: It's all been pretty decent aside from the nausea. Nothing really stands out.

Movement: N/A

Gender: I'm still thinking girl.

Labor signs: N/A

Belly button: In

Cravings/Aversions: I'm still experiencing an aversion to food in general. I had a craving for a BLT a couple days ago.

What I miss: (Same as last week) Wanting food/to eat, and not feeling constantly queasy or hungry. It seems to me that this time around is much, much harder to make myself eat every 2 hours than it was with J, so I get hungry more so I feel like crap more.

Stretch Marks: No new ones.

What is different this time around: The nausea (rather than more puking like with J), the fact that the nausea peaks at midday instead of the afternoon. Also the bloat bump, though that seems to vary from day to day.
What I am looking forward to this week: C coming home on Saturday! I also keep hoping the nausea goes away. *sigh*

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