Saturday, May 2, 2009

25 Things About Me

I recently did this on Facebook, and thought it would be fun to do it here. I guess normally people get tagged to do this, so if you are reading this, consider yourself tagged! That means you are supposed to do this in your blog, but if you don't, I probably won't know.

Here goes!

1. One of my all-time favorite comfort foods is tuna-rice muffinlets (recipe to be posted later this evening).
2. My pinky fingers are both so crooked that if I hold them side-to-side, they make a Y.
3. I have green-hazel eyes.
4. I think I'm a little clairvoyant sometimes, but then, aren't we all?
5. I have never faked an orgasm.
6. However, C seems to think I have more orgasms than I actually do.
7. I feel justified in judging other parents' "methods" now that I am a parent.
8. I am totally addicted to PackRat on Facebook.
9. I can count on one hand the number of times I have skipped breakfast in my entire life.
10. I share a birthday with Oprah and Thomas Paine.
11. I have a ton of freckles, but have never hated them.
12. I get freckles on my lips in the summer.
13. I absolutely love rain, but Seattle depressed me.
14. I have wanted to have a baby since I was 5 years old.
15. My first cat was calico, and her name was Rainbow.
16. I have a lot of favorite movies, but if forced to pick just one, I will always go with Rosemary's Baby.
17. I love to write short stories, mainly fantasy, but I've been branching into horror recently.
18. I seriously love sleep. Really. LOVE. IT.
19. I am a little nervous about what our future children will be like, since J has been so wonderful and easy.
20. I am a sucker for romantic comedies (books or movies).
21. I daydream and fantasize little stories almost constantly, much to C's amusement.
22. If an animal needs rescuing, I am totally there.
23. I have rescued a finch, a chicken, a pigeon, two starlings, and Athena.
24. I sometimes surprise myself with my brilliance.
25. Chocolate is one of my favorite things, but when I was pregnant I had no desire for it at all because it tasted funny.

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