Friday, May 15, 2009

Crazy 8's!

I'm using this from Sweetpea's blog since she said she was tagging everyone!

Here are the rules of the game:
-Mention the person that tagged you.
-Complete the following lists of 8's.
-Tag 8 of your wonderful bloggy friends.
-Go tell them you tagged them!

Eight Things I'm Looking Forward To:
1) My container garden growing this summer.
2) Having a "real" house with a yard and a "real" garden someday.
3.) Sex ;-)
4.) My son growing up.
5.) Seeing my dad in Washington.
6.) Having more kids someday, by birth and by adoption.
7.) Growing old with C.
8.) Parker Book Club tonight!

Eight Things I Did Yesterday:
1.) Woke up on time!
2.) Showered
3.) Nursed J
4.) Walked the dogs with J.
5.) Worked.
6.) Put J to bed.
7.) Had sex.
8.) Watched TV.

Eight Things I Wish I Could Do:
1.) Stay at home and raise my kid(s).
2.) Knit really intricate things.
3.) Write stories part time as my job, and make good money with it.
4.) Win the lottery! I probably have to play for that to happen. Haha!
5.) Eat whatever I wanted and not gain any weight.
6.) Not have to worry about ever getting diabetes or heart disease.
7.) Be more patient.
8.) Go out to eat whenever I wanted.

Eight Shows I watch:
1.) Scrubs
2.) Ghost Whisperer
3.) Private Practice
4.) Hell's Kitchen
5.) The Simpsons
6.) Dirty Jobs
7.) The Dog Whisperer/all those nanny shows
8.) Boston Legal

I don't actually have 8 followers, so I am copying SP and saying this is for everyone!!! :-) Enjoy!

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